.. highlight:: xml .. index:: Miscellaneous Tasks .. _misc_tasks: Miscellaneous Tasks/Commands ============================ .. _action: ``action`` ---------- This task allows you to extend DPBuddy with various DataPower administration functions which are not implemented by other DPBuddy tasks. A complete list of available actions can be found in the xml-mgmt.xsd file, under the type "AnyActionElement". Documentation for actions can be found in the `DataPower command reference documentation `_ under "Global mode" and "Initial login and common commands". Note that many actions can be executed using other DPBuddy tasks. For example, DPBuddy provides dedicated tasks for flushing caches, so there is no need to know how to do it using "action". To execute actions/commands without parameters, simply provide the action's name using the ``name`` attribute of the ``action`` task. For example, the SOMA counterpart for `"save error-report" `_ command is "ErrorReport" action. This action can be executed as follows: .. code-block:: xml Most actions, however, take some parameters. For these actions you need to provide a nested XML fragment with all the necessary XML elements for the action. The XML fragment can be nested directly inside the ``action`` task. Attributes/Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table :: :widths: 20 80 8 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description - Required * - name - Name of SOMA action as per the DataPower XML schema. - No Examples ^^^^^^^^ The "ping" action (see `ping command documentation `_) requires "RemoteHost" as a parameter. "ping" invocation could be encoded using the following XML fragment: .. code-block:: xml ${ping.host} You can find more examples under ``samples`` in your distribution or `online `_. .. _somaRequest: ``somaRequest`` --------------- The ``somaRequest`` task executes an arbitrary SOMA request defined in an external file. Do not specify SOAP envelope XML elements in the file; DPBuddy will add them automatically. You can use Ant variables in any text node or in any attribute of the XML file. This task will attempt to validate XML request against DataPower schema unless the ``validate`` attribute is set to ``false``. Attributes/Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table :: :widths: 20 80 8 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description - Required * - file - SOMA request file. - Yes * - printResponse - If set to ``true``, print XML response from the device. The SOAP envelope is stripped out and not printed. Defaults to ``false``. - No Examples ^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: bat dpbuddy somaRequest -printResponse -file dpconfigs/ping-remote-host.xml .. code-block:: xml Here is the content of "ping-remote-host.xml": .. code-block:: xml ${ping.host} .. _wsrrSynch: ``wsrrSynchronize`` ------------------- This task synchronizesWSRR content with the WSRR server. See `wsrr-synchronize command documentation `_ for more details. Attributes/Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table :: :widths: 20 80 8 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description - Required * - subscription - Specifies the name of a WSRR subscription or a WSRR Saved Search subscription object. Content previously retrieved using this subscription is immediately synchronized with the WSRR server specified by the subscription. - Yes Examples ^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: xml .. _testConnection: ``testConnection`` ------------------ This task accesses the device and retrieves and prints its firmware version. This task could be used to test connectivity with DataPower. The task does not have any task-specific attributes/options.