.. highlight:: xml .. index:: Quiesce, Unquiesce .. _quiesce_tasks: Tasks/Commands for Quiescence/Un-quiescence =========================================== Please refer to the `DataPower InfoCenter `_ for the description of the quiescence process. .. _quiesce: ``quiesce`` and ``unquiesce`` ----------------------------- These tasks quiesce/unquiesce services and objects defined by the nested ``object`` element. This is equivalent to navigating to each "quiescable" object (such as an HTTP front side handler) in WebGUI and clicking on the "Quiesce" or "Unquiesce" link. If you provide a name of a service, such as the name of a Web services proxy, DataPower will automatically quiesce/unquiesce all relevant handlers used by this service. The tasks wait for the completion of the quiesce/unquiesce operation unless the ``timeout`` attributed is set to -1. The tasks will poll the device until all specified objects reach the "down" operational state for quiesce and "up" state for unquiesce. You can specify objects to quiesce/unquiesce using ``classPattern``/``namePattern`` attributes and/or using the nested ``object`` element. Attributes/Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table :: :widths: 20 80 8 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description - Required * - classPattern - Regular expression defining what classes (types) to quiesce/unquiesce. - No * - namePattern - Regular expression defining object names to quiesce/unquiesce. - No * - timeout - Time, in seconds, to wait for all objects to reach the desired operational state. Exception will be raised if at least one object remains in the invalid state after the timeout. -1 disables waiting and device polling. Defaults to 60 seconds for quiesce, 15 for unquiesce. - No ``object`` Nested Element ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Each object element must match at least one DataPower configuration object. .. list-table :: :widths: 20 80 8 :header-rows: 1 * - Attribute - Description - Required * - class - Regular expression defining what classes (types) to quiesce/unquiesce. - Yes, unless ``name`` was provided. * - name - Regular expression defining object names to quiesce/unquiesce. - Yes, unless ``class`` was provided. .. _examples_14_1_1: Examples ^^^^^^^^ Quiesce all front-side HTTP handlers whose name starts with "Test". .. code-block:: bat dpbuddy quiesce -classPattern "HTTPSourceProtocolHa.*" -namePattern "Test.*" .. code-block:: xml You can find more examples under ``samples`` in your distribution or `online `_. .. _quiesceDomain: .. _unquiesceDomain: ``quiesceDomain`` and ``unquiesceDomain`` ----------------------------------------- These tasks quiesce or unquiesce a single domain. Upon this command, DataPower will automatically quiesce or unquiesce all protocol handlers running in the domain. The domain name is provided using the ``domain`` attribute or :ref:`dp.domain property `. You can also provide the timeout attribute explained :ref:`earlier `. Examples ^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: xml .. code-block:: bat dpbuddy unquiesceDomain -domain testDomain