.. highlight:: bat .. _dpbuddyCLI: DPBuddy's Command-Line Interface (CLI) ====================================== All DPBuddy commands have the following format:: dpbuddy "command" is any of the commands/tasks described in the document. The command (or ``-h``) must be the first argument. In this document the words "task" and "command" are used interchangeably. Every DPBuddy command has a corresponding Ant task with the same name. The options for every command are listed under "Options/Attributes". Each option must be preceded by ``-``. In this document, "option" and "attribute" are also used interchangeably; every command line option has a corresponding Ant attribute and vice versa. For example, the ``import`` command supports the ``file`` option. To run the command, type .. code-block:: bat dpbuddy import -file domain.zip The value is optional for Boolean options. The Boolean options always default to ``true``. For example, to run ``import`` in the dry-run mode, supply ``-dry-run`` option: .. code-block:: bat dpbuddy import -file domain.zip -dry-run This is equivalent to: .. code-block:: bat dpbuddy import -file domain.zip -dry-run true You can also provide explicit ``false`` value: .. code-block:: bat dpbuddy import -file domain.zip -dry-run false All commands support the ``-h`` option, which displays the list of all supported options and their descriptions, e.g., ``dpbuddy import -h``. There are several other options that are common to all DPBuddy commands. All these options are listed in :ref:`common_properties`. For example, to specify a DataPower domain, you can run the ``import`` command with the ``-domain`` option: .. code-block:: bat dpbuddy import -file domain.zip -domain my-domain You can specify the default value for any common option in a configuration file. The configuration file should have the properties (name=value) format. For example, to specify a DataPower user used to connect to DataPower, define ``dp.username=`` property in the configuration file. Note that the name of the property could be different from the name of the option. Usually, properties have the ``dp.`` prefix. This is done for the sake of compatibility with Ant property names. DPBuddy follows these steps to locate and load the configuration file: * If the ``-configFile`` command-line option is specified, DPBuddy will use the value of this option as the path to the configuration file. * If the ``DPBUDDY_CONFIG`` environment variable is specified, DPBuddy will use the value of this variable as the path to the configuration file. * DPBuddy will attempt to load the file ``dpbuddy.properties`` from the current directory (the directory where the command is run). * DPBuddy will attempt to load the file ``dpbuddy.properties`` from the user's home directory using the path ``/.dpbuddy/dpbuddy.properties``. If the configuration file was not found, DPBuddy will print a warning message. DPBuddy uses `Apache Commons Configuration `_ to parse the configuration file. Commons Configuration's format supports many advanced features, including `variable interpolation `_. This means that a property in the configuration file can reference another property's value using ``${}`` notation. ``${}`` can also be used directly on the command line as an option's value: .. code-block:: bat dpbuddy import -file "\${import.file.path}" In this example ``import.file.path`` is the property defined in the configuration file. Note that ``$`` must be escaped using ``\$`` on Linux to prevent the shell from treating it as a shell variable. DPBuddy pre-populates all `built-in Ant properties `_ and `Java system properties `_, so any of these properties can be used on the command line or in the configuration file: .. code-block:: bat dpbuddy tailLog -lines "-1" -logFile "\${java.io.tmpdir}/dp.log" -appendTimestamp You can also set properties using the environment variable ``DPBUDDY_OPTS`` and ``-D`` Java option: .. code-block:: bat set DPBUDDY_OPTS=-Xmx1024m -Ddev.dp.host=myDPHost You can also split your DPBuddy configuration into multiple files and use `"includes" `_ to create a master file, e.g., ``include=another_config.properties``. You can use the sample configuration file included in the distribution under ``samples/cli-shell`` and ``samples/cli-win`` as the starting point for your DPBuddy configuration file. We recommend using the prefix-based :ref:`property resolution mechanism ` which allows you to prefix all environment-dependent properties with the appropriate environment/device/domain prefixes. You can then point DPBuddy to a specific environment using the ``-env`` option: .. code-block:: bat dpbuddy import -file domain.zip -env dev