19. Tasks/Commands for Quiescence/Un-quiescence

Please refer to the DataPower InfoCenter for the description of the quiescence process.

19.1. quiesce and unquiesce

These tasks quiesce/unquiesce services and objects defined by the nested object element. This is equivalent to navigating to each “quiescable” object (such as an HTTP front side handler) in WebGUI and clicking on the “Quiesce” or “Unquiesce” link.

If you provide a name of a service, such as the name of a Web services proxy, DataPower will automatically quiesce/unquiesce all relevant handlers used by this service.

The tasks wait for the completion of the quiesce/unquiesce operation unless the timeout attributed is set to -1. The tasks will poll the device until all specified objects reach the “down” operational state for quiesce and “up” state for unquiesce.

You can specify objects to quiesce/unquiesce using classPattern/namePattern attributes and/or using the nested object element.

19.1.1. Attributes/Options

Name Description Required
classPattern Regular expression defining what classes (types) to quiesce/unquiesce. No
namePattern Regular expression defining object names to quiesce/unquiesce. No

Time, in seconds, to wait for all objects to reach the desired operational state. Exception will be raised if at least one object remains in the invalid state after the timeout.

-1 disables waiting and device polling.

Defaults to 60 seconds for quiesce, 15 for unquiesce.


19.1.2. object Nested Element

Each object element must match at least one DataPower configuration object.

Attribute Description Required
class Regular expression defining what classes (types) to quiesce/unquiesce. Yes, unless name was provided.
name Regular expression defining object names to quiesce/unquiesce. Yes, unless class was provided.

19.1.3. Examples

Quiesce all front-side HTTP handlers whose name starts with “Test”.

dpbuddy quiesce -classPattern "HTTPSourceProtocolHa.*"  -namePattern "Test.*"
    <object class="HTTPSourceProtocolHa.*" name="Test.*"/>

You can find more examples under samples in your distribution or online.

19.2. quiesceDomain and unquiesceDomain

These tasks quiesce or unquiesce a single domain. Upon this command, DataPower will automatically quiesce or unquiesce all protocol handlers running in the domain.

The domain name is provided using the domain attribute or dp.domain property.

You can also provide the timeout attribute explained earlier.

Please note that if you deleted a previously quiesced domain and then created the domain with the same name, you will not be able to quiesce it. Such a domain will be in the “up” state, but at the same time it will be “quiesced”, which causes issues with the quiesceDomain. You should always unquiesce a domain prior to deleting it.

19.2.1. Examples

<dp:quiesceDomain domain="testDomain" />
dpbuddy unquiesceDomain -domain testDomain