End-to-End Build/Deploy/Release Example (Ant)

This is an example of a comprehensive Ant script that “builds” the domain from the artifacts from version control, exports the domain and promotes it to QA and other environments.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the configuration properties file for the script. This section of the documentation explains this example in details.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="dpbuddy.end-to-end" xmlns:dp="antlib:com.myarch.dpbuddy" >

        End-to-end example demonstrating a build/deploy process for DataPower artifacts using DPBuddy.
        "clean.deploy.services" builds the test domain from the components residing under version control.
        "clean.deploy.domain" promotes the entire domain to a higher environment.

    <property environment="envvars"/>
    <!-- Specify where dpbuddy is installed, we can use an environment variable or a property -->
    <property name="dpbuddy.home" location="${envvars.DPBUDDY_HOME}" />

    <dirname property="script.dir" file="${ant.file}" />

    <taskdef uri="antlib:com.myarch.dpbuddy">
            <!-- We need to exclude Ant jars packages with DPBuddy -->
            <fileset dir="${dpbuddy.home}/lib" excludes="ant-*"/>

    <!-- Location of the properties file containing DataPower URLs and other configuration -->
    <property name="dp.config.home" location="${basedir}"/>

    <loadproperties srcFile="${dp.config.home}/dp.properties" />

    <!-- This task to make environment-specific properties available to non-DPBuddy tasks.
    In this sample it is used by running SoapUI target (at the bottom of the file).
    This also allows to "echo" environment variables.
    E.g., if you want to see a value of the current domain, you can use <echo>${dp.domain}</echo>
    <dp:environment prefix="${dp.env}" />

    <!-- Location of DataPower configuration files -->
    <property name="services.config.home" location="dpconfigs"/>
    <!-- Location of xsd/wsdl/xsl artifacts used by DataPower objects and services -->
    <property name="services.files.home" location="services"/>

    <!-- Set release info for the audit file. If running from Jenkins, you can use one of the Jenkins variables, such as BUILD_NUMBER -->
    <property name="dp.release.info" value="release-3.2"/>


    <!-- ** Targets used in the course of developing DataPower services and objects -->

    <!-- Reusable transformation rules to exclude default objects from export
    since we did not change them. This rule is used by the "export" task.
    <dp:transform id="transform.remove.default">
        <dpExclude class="(HTTPUserAgent|XMLManager)" name="default"/>

    <!-- Export all proxies and firewalls after the development is done and check them in -->
    <target name="export.services" description="Export services and related objects from a dev domain" >
        <!-- Note that the configuration will be automatically cleaned (files elements are removed) and
        formatted with proper indentation so it could be version-controlled.-->
        <dp:export file="${services.config.home}/XMLFirewall.xml" classPattern=".*Firewall.*">
            <transform refid="transform.remove.default"/>
        <dp:export file="${services.config.home}/WSProxy.xml" classPattern="WSGatew.*">
            <transform refid="transform.remove.default"/>

    <target name="export.crypto" description="Export all crypto objects">
        <dp:export file="${services.config.home}/Crypto.xml" classPattern="Crypto.*"/>

    <target name="export.domain.definition" description="Export the baseline definition of a domain">
        <!-- This definition will be used for creating/re-creating empty domains-->
        <!-- We will export the definition of the current domain (defined by the dp.domain property) -->
        <dp:export file="${services.config.home}/DomainDefinition.xml" domain="default"
                classPattern="Domain" namePattern="${dp.domain}">
                <!-- Replace all mentioning of the domain name with the ${dp.domain} variable.
                $$ will escape the dollar sign so Ant will not treat it as a variable during export -->
                <replaceText textToReplace="${dp.domain}" replaceWith="$${dp.domain}"/>

    <!-- ** Targets used to deploy to a test environment -->

    <!-- Prepare clean domain -->
    <target name="create.clean.domain" description="Delete domain if exists and create an empty one">
        <!-- We need to unquiesce the domain right before we're deleting it, otherwise
        the newly created domain will be in an inconsistent state (UP but quiesced) so it won't be possible
        to quiesce it (DataPower issue) -->
        <dp:unquiesceDomain />
        <!-- Delete the domain. We have to do it from the default domain -->
        <dp:delConfig quiet="true" domain="default" classPattern="Domain" namePattern="${dp.domain}" />
        <!-- Resolve Ant vars in the XML file, import our empty domain definition into the default domain, save if successful -->
        <dp:buddyImport file="${services.config.home}/DomainDefinition.xml" domain="default" save="true" resolveVars="true" />
        <!-- Note that the checkpoint is created in the target domain, not in the default -->
        <dp:checkpoint name="clean-domain"/>

    <!-- Upload/configure certs and crypto -->
    <target name="upload.certs" description="Upload certificates and keys" >
        <dp:copy toDir="cert:/" dir="${script.dir}/certs" includes="*-cert *-key" />

    <target name="import.crypto.config" description="Import crypto configuration">
        <dp:buddyImport file="${services.config.home}/Crypto.xml" />
        <!-- Verify that crypto objects are up, they could be down if there is an issue with certs/keys-->
        <dp:assertState classPattern="Crypto.*" />

    <!-- upload services-related files and services configuration; flush document and stylesheet cache -->
    <target name="upload.files"
            description="Upload WSDL, XSLT and other files to the local:/ filesystem of the appliance">
        <dp:copy cleanDirectories="true" flatten="true" flushCache="true" >
            <!-- Destination directory can be specified at the fileset level -->
            <dpFileset dir="${services.files.home}" toDir="/xslt" includes="**/*.xslt"/>
            <dpFileset dir="${services.files.home}" toDir="/services/wsdl" includes="**/*.wsdl **/*.xsd"/>

    <!-- Reusable transformation rules - we use them from "import.service.config" and from "import.domain".
    You may want to put all reusable transformations into a separate file -->

    <dp:transform id="transform.wsproxy">
        <setText xpath="//*[@name='TestHTTPHandler']//LocalPort" value="${dp.wsproxy.port}"/>
        <setText xpath="//*[@name='testServiceProxy']//RemoteEndpointHostname" value="${dp.wsproxy.remote.host}" />
        <!-- Specify the version of the service - it will be displayed in the "comments" field in WebGUI -->
        <!-- delete the existing comments field if exists -->
        <delete xpath="//XMLFirewallService/UserSummary" matchRequired="false"/>
        <!-- add the comment with the version number -->
        <add xpath="//WSGateway" >
            <UserSummary>Version ${dp.release.info}</UserSummary>

    <dp:transform id="transform.firewall">
        <setText xpath="//*[@name='testFirewall']//LocalPort" value="${dp.xmlfirewall.port}" />
        <delete xpath="//XMLFirewallService/UserSummary" matchRequired="false"/>
        <add xpath="//XMLFirewallService" >
            <UserSummary>Version ${dp.release.info}</UserSummary>

    <target name="import.services.config"
            description="Import all configuration objects and services into the test domain" >

        <dp:buddyImport file="${services.config.home}/WSProxy.xml" >
            <transform refid="transform.wsproxy"/>

        <dp:buddyImport file="${services.config.home}/XMLFirewall.xml" >
            <transform refid="transform.firewall"/>
        <!-- Show last 15 lines of the DataPower log just in case -->
        <dp:tailLog lines="15"/>


    <!-- Alternatively, you can copy configuration directly from the source domain to the target domain.
    This is less reliable than deploying services from version control -->
    <target name="copy.services.config"
            description="Copy services configuration directly from Dev domain to our target environment" >

        <property name="dev.config.file" location="builds/dev-services.zip"/>

        <dp:export env="devtest.dev" file="${dev.config.file}">
            <exportObject class=".*Firewall.*"/>
            <exportObject class="WSGatew.*" />

        <!-- Perform the import in the the target domain and save the domain configuration -->
        <dp:buddyImport env="${dp.env}" file="${dev.config.file}" save="true">
                <transform refid="transform.wsproxy"/>
                <transform refid="transform.firewall"/>


    <target name="verify.import" description="Verify that all objects and services are up and running">
        <!-- Verify that all objects in the domain are up -->
        <!-- Make sure the services are up -->
            <object class="(WSGateway|XMLFi.*)" />

        <!-- Make sure the right ports are open -->
        <dp:assertOpenPorts ports="${dp.wsproxy.port}, ${dp.xmlfirewall.port}" />


    <target name="checkpoint" description="Create the checkpoint and export the final domain configuration">
        <!-- Create checkpoint with the release version. dots will be replaced with underscores; dots are not allowed in names-->
        <dp:checkpoint name="${dp.release.info}"/>
        <!-- We could also export the domain configuration in XML format so we have the history of all changes
        The exported file should be version-controled or, at the very least, archived by your build server -->
        <dp:export file="builds/${dp.domain}.xcfg" />

    <target name="rollback" description="Rollback to the last checkpoint">
        <!-- We're not providing the checkpoint name, so we will automatically rollback to the
        latest checkpoint -->

    <target name="deploy.services" depends="upload.files, import.services.config, verify.import, checkpoint"
        description="Upload files and import configuration"/>

    <target name="deploy.services.copy" depends="upload.files, copy.services.config, verify.import, checkpoint"
        description="Upload files and copy configuration from dev to the target domain (not recommended)"/>

    <property name="domain.file" location="builds/app-domain.zip" />
    <target name="export.domain" description="Export the entire domain">
        <dp:export file="${domain.file}" allFiles="true" />

    <!-- End-to-end build of a domain from scratch -->
    <target name="clean.deploy.services" depends="create.clean.domain, upload.certs, import.crypto.config, deploy.services, run.tests, export.domain"
        description="Re-create the test domain, upload all certs and files and import the configuration"/>

    <!-- You can run automated test targets after deployment -->

    <!-- ** Targets used to deploy to "higher" environments, such as QA, pre-production, production -->
    <!-- We will deploy the entire domain exported from the test environment -->

    <!-- Quiesce all services in the domain before making any changes -->
    <target name="quiesce.domain" description="Quiesce the domain">

    <!-- Delete all objects and service and all files from the local filesystem -->
    <target name="clean.domain" description="Clean the domain">
        <!-- Exclude the disk array mount point since it cannot be deleted -->
        <dp:delete include="local:/(?!ondisk$).*" matchRequired="false" dryRun="false" />

    <!-- Import all services, objects and files that were exported by "export.domain" -->
    <target name="import.domain" description="Import domain">

        <dp:import file="${domain.file}" save="true"
                domainComments="Version: ${dp.release.info}. Deployed: ${DSTAMP} ${TSTAMP}" rollbackOnError="true">

                <transform refid="transform.wsproxy"/>
                <transform refid="transform.firewall"/>


        <!-- Log the message to the DataPower log for audit purposes -->
        <dp:log message="Imported domain ${domain.file}" />

        <!-- Unquiesce domain in case if it was quiesced before.
        It is safe to run this task even if the domain was not quiesced -->


    <!-- Note that we're uploading certs/keys as part of the deployment, which might be unnecessary if you're
    not deleting the domain -->
    <target name="deploy.domain" depends="quiesce.domain, upload.certs, import.domain, verify.import, checkpoint"
        description="Quiesce the domain and import services" />

    <target name="clean.deploy.domain"
            description="Quiesce the domain, clean it and import services">
        <!-- Execute this target for each device/environment prefix defined in "dp.env"
        This will also execute all the dependent targets of _clean.deploy.domain
        <dp:execTarget target="_clean.deploy.domain" />

    <!-- Internal target, invoked by "clean.deploy.domain" -->
    <target name="_clean.deploy.domain" depends="quiesce.domain, clean.domain, deploy.domain, run.tests"/>

    <!-- This will be run automatically when we deploy the domain -->
    <target name="run.tests" description="Run soapUI tests for our services">

        <!-- This assumes that soapUI/bin was added to PATH -->
        <condition property="soapui.exe" value="testrunner.bat" else="testrunner.sh">
            <os family="windows"/>

        <exec executable="${soapui.exe}"  dir="${basedir}" searchpath="true" failonerror="true" >
            <!-- You can also specify the test suite using -sFirewallTest -->
            <!-- Override host and ports to point to the hosts and pors for this environment -->
            <!-- Note that reports are saved in a folder with the environment name, in case if we run this task in a loop against multiple devices -->
            <arg line="-Phost=${dp.url} -Pwsproxy.port=${dp.wsproxy.port} -Pfirewall.port=${dp.xmlfirewall.port} -f testReports/${dp.env} -r -j ${script.dir}/soapui/DPTests.xml" />


The “dp.properties” file for the Ant script:

# DataPower and DPBuddy properties.
# All connection properties can be overridden at a task level.

# We define environment-dependent properties using <device>.<domain> prefix
# We have one devtest device with multiple domains:

# out test appliance

# These properties are the same for all domains, so we can define them
# at the device level
# The DataPower URL could be a full URL with https: and the port or just the hostname
# DPBuddy will default to the 5550 port if the port wasn't provided

# Properties for our dev environment/domain

# default our target device/domain to dev

# Properties for our CI environment/domain

# Properties for the test environment/domain

# Properties for the pre-prod/QA environment/domain

# We have two devices in production and a single domain.
# We use "prod." prefix to define properties that are common
# to both devices.
# Each device can have a different URL

# group of all prod devices, use it as the value for dp.env

# End of environment properties

# Turn on DPBuddy's auditing of "import" and "copy"
# Save the audit log locally in this location
# it will also be uploaded to the device

# License location. You don't need this entry if you're using a trial license,
# the trial license is generated automatically
# dpbuddy.license.file=${basedir}/dpbuddy-license

# If you don't have Acccess Manager option and if you're on V7.1, set this property, otherwise check status will fail
dp.status.ignore.objects=ISAMRuntime:isam-runtime, PasswordMap:password-alias-map