dpbuddy flushStylesheetCache dpbuddy flushDocumentCache -xmlManager "def.*" dpbuddy flushXMLCache dpbuddy flushMiscCache -cacheTypes "DNS,RBM"
<project name="dpbuddy.samples.cache" basedir="." xmlns:dp="antlib:com.myarch.dpbuddy" > <description> Samples demonstrating cache-related tasks </description> <target name="flush.xml.cache" description="Flush stylesheet and XML document caches" > <!-- Flush stylesheets for all XML managers --> <dp:flushStylesheetCache/> <!-- Flush documents for the default XML manager --> <dp:flushDocumentCache xmlManager="def.*"/> <!-- Flush both documents and stylesheets for all XML managers --> <dp:flushXMLCache/> </target> <target name="" description="Flush AAA cache" > <!-- Flush AAA policy that begins with "Test" --> <dp:flushAAACache policy="Test.*"/> <!-- Flush all AAA policies (at least one must exist) --> <dp:flushAAACache /> </target> <target name="flush.misc.cache" description="Flush various DataPower caches " > <dp:flushMiscCache cacheTypes="DNS, RBM" /> </target> <target name="flush.all.cache" description="Flush all caches" > <dp:flushAllCache/> </target> <target name="cache.all" depends="flush.xml.cache,,flush.misc.cache,flush.all.cache" /> </project>