Creating Checkpoint/Rollback Examples


# Create the checkpoint, save the domain's configuration.
# Note that release-1.0.1 will be converted to release-1_0_1
dpbuddy checkpoint -name release-1.0.1  -save
dpbuddy rollback -save
# Delete checkpoints ending with 1_0_1
dpbuddy delCheckpoint -namePattern ".*1_0_1" -matchRequired false


<project name="dpbuddy.samples.checkpoint" xmlns:dp="antlib:com.myarch.dpbuddy" >
        Samples demonstrating checkpoint-related tasks
    <target name="checkpoint">
        <!-- Create the checkpoint, save the domain's configuration.
        Note that release-1.0.1 will be converted to release-1_0_1 -->
        <dp:checkpoint name="release-1.0.1" save="true"/>
    <target name="rollback">
        <!-- Rollback to the latest checkpoint and save configuration.-->
        <dp:rollback save="true"/>
    <target name="del.checkpoints">
        <!-- Delete checkpoints ending with 1_0_1 -->
        <dp:delCheckpoint namePattern=".*1_0_1"/>
    <target name="checkpoint.all" depends="checkpoint, rollback, del.checkpoints" />