Configuration Deletion Examples


# Delete the WS proxy with the name starting with test. Don't fail if it doesn't exist.
dpbuddy delConfig -quiet -classPattern WSGateway -namePattern "test.*"
# Delete the definition of the domain "domain-to-delete". Note that we're pointing to the default domain.
dpbuddy delConfig -dryRun -classPattern Domain -namePattern domain-to-delete -quiet -domain default


<project name="dpbuddy.samples.delConfig" xmlns:dp="antlib:com.myarch.dpbuddy" >

        Samples demonstrating deleting DataPower configuration objects

    <target name="delete.objects">
        <!-- if quiet is true, the task won't fail if the object does not exist -->
        <!-- Delete the WS proxy with the name starting with test -->
        <dp:delConfig quiet="true" dryRun="false" classPattern="WSGateway" namePattern="test.*" />
        <!-- Delete all objects that start with 'testFirewall'
        delConfig will handle object dependencies -->
        <dp:delConfig quiet="true" dryRun="false" namePattern="testFirewall.*" />

    <target name="delete.domain">
        <!-- Delete the definition of the domain "domain-to-delete". Note that we're pointing to the default domain. -->
        <dp:delConfig quiet="true" domain="default" dryRun="true" classPattern="Domain" namePattern="domain-to-delete"/>

    <target name="del.config.all" depends="delete.objects, delete.domain" />
