Working with DataPower Logs Examples


# Print DataPower log to standard out (all available entires)
dpbuddy tail -lines "-1"
# Tail DataPower log, if domainPatterns matches multiple domains, 
# tailLog will consolidate logs from these domains
dpbuddy tail -domainPatterns "dpbuddy-.*, e2e.*"  -lines 100
# You can also change the log format. 
# The following template will add transaction ID to the log. 
# See User Guide for more details
# You can specify any logTarget configured on the device
dpbuddy tail -logTarget "default-log" -format "{1,date,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} |{2}| {4,number,#} | {0}{3}"
# Save all log entries from the device locally
dpbuddy tail -lines "-1" -logFile "\${}/dp.log" -appendTimestamp
# Log the message to the device's system log
dpbuddy log -level info -category all  -message="Hello from DPBuddy"
# Set logging level on the device for the 'all' category
dpbuddy setLogLevel -level INFO


<project name="dpbuddy.samples.log" basedir="." xmlns:dp="antlib:com.myarch.dpbuddy" >

        Examples demonstrating DataPower log-related tasks

    <!-- Print DataPower log to standard out (all available entires) -->	
    <target name="print.log">
        <dp:tailLog lines="-1" />

    <!-- Tail DataPower logs -->	
    <target name="tail">
        <!-- If domainPatterns matches multiple domains, tailLog will consolidate logs from these domains -->
        <dp:tailLog domainPatterns="dpbuddy-.*, e2e.*"  lines="100" />

        <!-- You can also change the log format. The following template will add transaction ID to the log. See User Guide for more details  -->
        <!-- You can specify any logTarget configured on the device -->
        <dp:tailLog logTarget="default-log" format="{1,date,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} |{2}| {4,number,#} | {0}{3}"/>

        <!-- You can also filter out all log entries that do not match the class and object names
        specified in the 'where' elements. Both class and object are regexps -->
        <dp:tailLog failOnError="false" >
            <where class="wsgw" object="testService.*" />
            <where class="xmlfire.*" />


    <!-- Save all log entries from the device locally -->
    <target name="download.log">
        <dp:tailLog lines="-1" logFile="${}/dp.log" appendTimestamp="true" />

    <target name="log.message" description="Log message to the device's system log">
        <dp:log >
            Hello from DPBuddy!
        <dp:log level="info" category="all"  message="Hello again from DPBuddy"/>

    <target name="set.log.level" description="Set logging level on the device for the 'all' category">
        <dp:setLogLevel level="INFO" />

    <!-- You can continuously tail logs using 'follow=true'. 
    If any of the failPatterns matches, tailLog will fail the build. -->
    <target name="tail.follow" >
        <!-- If follow is set to true, tailLog will be querying the device every 3 seconds 
        (can be changed using followInterval attribute). This is similar to tail -f Unix command -->
        <dp:tailLog  failPatterns="\|[E]\|" follow="true" />

    <target name="log.all" depends="print.log,tail,download.log,log.message,set.log.level" />
