Domain Management

All of the tasks explained in this section run against the domain provided by the “domain” attribute or “dp.domain” property.


The createDomain task creates a new domain. It can also delete the domain before creation if it exists. By default, the domain is created using the domain configuration file packaged with DPBuddy distribution. A custom configuration can be provided using the file attribute. This configuration could be created by exporting a domain object from your appliance (this has to be done from the “default” domain).

Note that deleting a domain that was previous quiesced and then creatig the domain will leave the new domain in an inconsistent state (operational state is “up” whereas the domain’s state is “quiesced”). DPBuddy automatically detects this situation. It un-quiesces the new domain and then quiesced it again. This brings the domain into the correct “down” operational state.


Name Description Required

If set to true, delete the domain with the same name if exists.

Defaults to false.


Domain configuration file created by exporting a domain object. You will need to provide this file if you want your domain configuration to be different from the DataPower default configuration. The file can contain variables in ${} format.

Defaults to the domain configuration bundled with DPBuddy.


Maximum number of checkpoints in the domain.

Defaults to 3 (DataPower default).



dpbuddy createDomain -maxCheckpoints 5 -delete
<dp:createDomain maxCheckpoints="5" delete="true"/>


This task restarts the domain.


dpbuddy restartDomain -domain default
<dp:restartDomain domain="default"/>


This task resets the configuration of the domain. It deletes all configuration objects in the domain. The task does not affect files.


dpbuddy resetDomain