Status and Configuration Reporting


listObjects prints the list of all objects and their operational (up/down), administration (enabled/disabled) and configuration states. You can easily “grep” the output to search for objects in the specific state

listObjects is capable of querying multiple domains and providing information about objects running in each domain.

objectStatus is an alias of listObjects.


Name Description Required
objects Comma-delimited list of regexp patterns to objects to include in the report in the format “class:name, class:name”. Class and name could be optional, e.g., “class, class” or “:name”. No
exclude Comma-delimited list of regexp patterns to exclude from the report in the format “class:name, class:name”. No
CLI alias: domains

Comma-delimited list of regular expression patterns defining which domains to query.

To query all domains use “.*”

Defaults to the current domain. The current domain is specified using the dpDomain property or domain attribute of the task.



Display the status of disabled firewalls and proxies from all the domains of the two devices (dev and test):

dpbuddy listObjects -objects "XMLFire.*,WSGateway" -domainPatterns ".*" -device "dev, test" | grep disabled

Sample output:

Device    Domain           Type (class)       Name                   Op St.   Adm St.  Conf St.
devloc    ci               WSGateway          testServiceProxy       up       enabled  saved
devloc    ci               XMLFirewallService testFirewall           up       enabled  saved
devloc    dpbuddy-samples  WSGateway          testServiceProxy       up       enabled  saved
devloc    dpbuddy-samples  XMLFirewallService testFirewall           up       enabled  saved
devloc    e2e-preprod      WSGateway          testServiceProxy       up       enabled  saved
devloc    e2e-preprod      XMLFirewallService testFirewall           up       enabled  saved
devloc    d1               WSGateway          testServiceProxy       up       enabled  saved
devloc    d1               XMLFirewallService testFirewall           up       enabled  saved
devloc    d2               WSGateway          testServiceProxy       up       enabled  saved
devloc    d2               XMLFirewallService testFirewall           up       enabled  saved
devloc    getting-started- WSGateway          testServiceProxy       up       enabled  saved
devloc    getting-started- XMLFirewallService testFirewall           up       enabled  saved
devloc    newd1            WSGateway          testServiceProxy       up       enabled  saved
devloc    newd1            XMLFirewallService testFirewall           up       enabled  saved


listServices prints the list of active services and their port numbers. This is the same information that is available from WebGUI under “Status”/”Main”/”Active Services”.

listServices is also capable of querying multiple domains and providing information about services running in each domain.

serviceStatus is an alias of listServices.


Name Description Required
CLI alias: domains

Comma-delimited list of regular expression patterns defining which domains to query.

To query all domains use “.*”

Defaults to the current domain. The current domain is specified using the dpDomain property or domain attribute of the task.



dpbuddy listServices -domainPatterns ".*"
<dp:serviceStatus domainPatterns=".*"/>

Sample output:

Device    Domain              Type (class)             Name                     Port
devloc    dpbuddy-samples     XMLFirewallService       testFirewall             2056
devloc    dpbuddy-samples     WSGateway                testServiceProxy         8064
devloc    e2e-preprod         XMLFirewallService       testFirewall             9098
devloc    e2e-preprod         WSGateway                testServiceProxy         9096
devloc    getting-started-tes WSGateway                testServiceProxy         4096
devloc    getting-started-tes XMLFirewallService       testFirewall             4098
devloc    default             MgmtInterface            xml-mgmt                 5550
devloc    default             WebGUI                   web-mgmt                 9090
devloc    dev                 XMLFirewallService       testFirewall             7099
devloc    dev                 WSGateway                testServiceProxy         4069
devloc    e2e-prod            WSGateway                testServiceProxy         5096
devloc    e2e-prod            XMLFirewallService       testFirewall             5098
devloc    e2e-test            XMLFirewallService       testFirewall             8098
devloc    e2e-test            WSGateway                testServiceProxy         8087


This task produces reports with the list of DataPower objects and their complete configuration. Reports can be generated in CSV or Excel formats.

Each row of a report represents a DataPower object. Each column is a configuration element. Nested elements are shown using path notation <parent element name>/<child element name>.

When the format is CSV, each DataPower class/type is saved in a separate file. In Excel format, each class/type is saved in its own sheet (tab).

Report samples:


Name Description Required
objects Comma-delimited list of regexp patterns to objects to include in the report in the format “class:name, class:name”. Class and name could be optional, e.g., “class, class” or “:name”. No
exclude Comma-delimited list of regexp patterns to exclude from the report in the format “class:name, class:name”. No

Comma-delimited list of configuration elements to include into the report.

Defaults to all elements.


Comma-delimited list of configuration elements to exclude from the report.

Defaults to none.

CLI alias: domains

Comma-delimited list of regular expression patterns defining what domains to apply the command to. Use ‘.*’ for all domains except the default. Use ‘.*,default’ to include the default.

Defaults to the current domain. The current domain is specified using the dpDomain property or domain attribute of the task.

CLI alias: dir
Folder/directory to save the reports and the exported files to. Yes
CLI alias: fileName
File name of the report relative to ‘toDir’. Excel report defaults to “DataPowerConfigurationReport.xlsx” Yes

Include only those elements that have different values. Convenient for quickly diffing configs.

Defaults to false


Produce report in Excel format

Defaults to CSV format


Remove all files and subdirectories in ‘toDir’ prior to generating reports.

Defaults to true


If set to true, export only the persisted configuration.

Defaults to false (DataPower default).


If set to true, include all objects referenced/required by exported objects.

Defaults to true (DataPower default).


If set to true, include all files referenced by exported objects.

Defaults to true (DataPower default).


Include debug information (probe data) in the report.

Defaults to false (DataPower default).



# Generate configuration report in Excel
dpbuddy configReport -dir confrep -persisted -objects "WSGatew.*, .*Firewall.*:test.*" -domains ".*" -excel -reportFileName DPReport.xlsx -excludeElements "UserInfo"
# Generate configuration report with differences
dpbuddy configReport -dir confrep -persisted -objects "WSGatew.*, .*Firewall.*:test.*" -domains ".*" -device devloc -excel -reportFileName DPReport.xlsx -diff


The status task retrieves the status of various parameters of a device and prints it to standard out. The status is displayed in the form “name: value”, where “name” is the name of the parameter.

DataPower groups status parameters into “classes” (not to be confused with the classes of DataPower objects). Each status class is responsible for a certain characteristic of the device, such as memory, CPU utilization and so on.

A complete list of status classes can be found under the “StatusEnum” type in xml-mgmt.xsd.

The most useful classes include “MemoryStatus” and “FilesystemStatus”. These classes give information about available RAM and disk space.


Name Description Required
class Status class as defined in xml-mgmt.xsd. Yes
CLI alias: domains

Comma-delimited list of regular expression patterns defining which domains to query.

To query all domains use “.*”

Defaults to the current domain. The current domain is specified using the dpDomain property or domain attribute of the task.


Output status in JSON format as opposed to a more human-readable name:value format. JSON is printed to standard out as well as to the dp-status.log log file. The location of the log files is defined in logback.xml

Defaults to false.



dpbuddy status -class MemoryStatus
<dp:status class="ObjectStatus" />
<dp:status class="MemoryStatus" />
<dp:status class="FilesystemStatus" />