PAnt 2.0.1 contains an important bug fix that was preventing using certain Ant tasks from python. Specifically, the bug affected all tasks that utilize “addConfigured”: method to handle nested elements. This included the “manifest” task and several others.

You can download PAnt 2.0.1 from the “PAnt project page”:/pant

One thought on “PAnt 2.0.1 is Released

  1. Hello Alexander,

    I found your Pant Tool in the internet and wanted to try it. I installed eclipse (Eclipse IDE for Java Developers) with PyDev, Jython 2.5.2 and created new Python Project. In the Project I added the pant.jar in the External Libs.

    As far as I understood I need start now the build.xml from your example directory to set the jythonInit. The problem is if I start the build file I get a following error “[taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource com/myarch/antjython/jython-antlib.xml. It could not be found”.

    What should be set?

    Best Regards,

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